
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Power Pivot and Power View now available in Excel 2013.

In Excel 2013, much of that functionality, including the infrastructure that supports it, is built directly into the Data Model in Excel. Without installing a separate add-in, PowerPivot and Power View add-ins are installed by default. But they are not automatically enabled.  You have to do some menu/dialog box acrobatics to turn them on, but it’s a one-time set-and-forget requirement. 

If you’d like to try it yourself, click through File|Options|Add-Ins|Manage COM Add-Ins|Go… and then enable the add-ins by checking them off and clicking OK.

Below diagram will give you more idea.

Some of the Excel 2013 Features:

If you are looking to quickly build out a self-service BI solution that tells the story of your data, you can now use the tool you know and love – Excel - to rapidly mash-up, explore, analyze and visualize any data ranging from a few rows to hundreds of millions of rows.

·        xVelocity in-memory analytics:

Analyze data ranging from a few rows to hundreds of millions of rows instantly on your desktop using Excel data models, new in 2013 powered by xVelocity in-memory analytics engine. More Details

·        Quick Explore, Trend Charts, Quick Analysis and Flash Fill:

Improve productivity by easily shaping your data with Flash Fill; using Quick Analysis to preview and apply conditional formatting, suggest and create charts, PivotTables, and tables; and using Quick Explore to easily navigate multidimensional and tabular data models and create Trend charts to analyze information over time. 

·        Power Pivot:

Access, mash-up and analyze data from virtually any source and rapidly create compelling analytical models with PowerPivot, now in Excel.

·        Power View:

Provide stunning data visualization to discover new insights with a highly interactive and familiar data exploration, visualization, and presentation experience with Power View, now in Excel. More Details

Posted by - SUHAS R. KUDEKAR (MCTS - Microsoft Business Intelligence)

Learning Office 2010 + SharePoint 2010 + SQL Server 2008 R2

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Received Microsoft Community Contributor Award

I’ve received a mail from Microsoft and this is what mail was said

Dear Suhas,

Congratulations! We’re pleased to inform you that your contributions to Microsoft online technical communities have been recognized with the Microsoft Community Contributor Award.

The Microsoft Community Contributor Award is reserved for participants who have made notable contributions in Microsoft online community forums such as TechNet, MSDN and Answers. The value of these resources is greatly enhanced by participants like you, who voluntarily contribute your time and energy to improve the online community experience for others.

Becoming a Microsoft Community Contributor Award recipient includes access to important benefits, such as complimentary resources to support you in your commitment to Microsoft online communities. To find out more about the Microsoft Community Contributor Award and to claim your recognition, please visit this site:

Through the Microsoft® Community Contributor Award, Microsoft expresses their thanks to individuals who freely volunteer their time and energy to help improve the Microsoft online technical community experience for others.

A Big Thanks to Microsoft for the Recognition! Thanks’ to whoever nominated me and everyone who helped me to reach to this point and I will try my best as much as I can.

Posted by - SUHAS R. KUDEKAR (MCTS - Microsoft Business Intelligence)
Learning Office 2010 + SharePoint 2010 + SQL Server 2008 R2

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

VertiPaq Engine Renamed as xVelocity in SQL Server 2012.

VertiPaq engine is currently only available to PowerPivot for Excel in SQL Server 2008 R2. After the amazing success of PowerPivot for Excel in the previous release of SQL Server 2008 R2 this engine moved to the server side with the same InMemory BI and compression and it’s called the VertiPaq Engine or the Analysis Services Tabular Mode. Data retrieval and calculations happen at a much faster rate as its entire database is in-memory.Vertipaq enables Excel to process hundreds of millions of rows with sub-second response times on desktop hardware.

Now Along with the SQL Server 2012 launch, Microsoft announced xVelocity in-memory technologies, delivering huge performance improvements for data warehousing and business intelligence. This engine uses in-memory column-oriented storage and innovative compression techniques to achieve these remarkable results.

xVelocity is not a new feature, but rather a renaming of an existing feature.  Vertipaq is the existing feature that will now be called xVelocity.  So the Vertipaq engine that is inside PowerPivot and Analysis Services 2012 Tabular is now called “xVelocity in-memory analytics engine”.  Also, “xVelocity” now refers to the column store index feature in the SQL Server 2012 relational database.

Columnar database is its driving principle So First Column bases storage as opposed to “row store” & Secound High level of compression, all in memory – RAM based. In SQL Server 2012, Microsoft has taken the same Vertipaq engine and integrated it into Analysis Services. The results have been staggering with scan rates up to 10s of billions of rows per second on typical server hardware. 

Using a combination of compression, algorithms enhanced for modern CPU/memory architecture, and highly parallel intra-query execution, xVelocity can speed up query execution times by 4x, 10x, and even 100x, simply by adding column store indexes to the fact tables of a star-schema data warehouse.

Posted by - SUHAS R. KUDEKAR (MCTS - Microsoft Business Intelligence)

Learning Office 2010 + SharePoint 2010 + SQL Server 2008 R2

Thursday, April 5, 2012

BIDS No More Exist in SQL Server 2012.

Once you will installed SQL Server 2012 you could not find the BIDS to develop SSAS/SSIS/SSRS application. BIDS will replace with SSDT i.e. SQL Server Data Tools.

Comparison of SQL Server 2012 Vs SQL Server 2008 R2.

You can get more idea on below Screen shot how SQL Server 2012 looks compare with SQL Server 2008 R2 components.

SQL Server 2012 Components

  1. SQL Server Data Tools
  2. SQL Server Management Studio
  3. Analysis SErvices
  4. Configuration Tools
  5. Data Quality Services
  6. Documentation & Community
  7. Integration Services
  8. Master Data Services
  9. Performance Tools

So in SQL Server 2012 we have below four new components available.

  1. SQL Server Data Tools
  2. Data Quality Services
  3. Documentation & Community
  4. Master Data Services

Today will discuss more on SSDT i.e. SQL Server Data Tools.

SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools)

1-      Developing SSAS/SSIS/SSRS Projects.

2-      Developing Databases in Visual Studio like working in SQL Server Management studio.

Will discuss the how we can use SSDT one by one.

Developing SSAS/SSIS/SSRS Projects.

·         If you are looking for BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio) in SQL Server 2012, then you will not find it. It is replaced with SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) in SQL Server 2012.

·         You can start the SSRS/SSAS/SSIS Projects as we created in BIDS in SQL Server 2008/R2.

·         SQL Server 2012 installs "SQL Server Data Tools" under the "SQL Server 2012" Start Menu option - this includes BIDS but not Database Projects.

·         In this use can create the SSAS Tabular Projects called as BISM.

Developing Databases in Visual Studio like working in SQL Server Management studio.

·         In this you can create new Database Design features with schema management etc in Visual Studio more like working in SQL Server Management studio.

·         The idea is that developers want to develop databases using similar methods to working with regular (i.e. .NET code) object within VS.  To that end, SSDT includes offline projects, object creation interfaces (i.e. for tables, views, etc…) schema snapshot and compare, database version targeting (for SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2012 and for SQL Azure) and refactoring with preview.

·         Database Projects installs "MICROSOFT SQL Server Data Tools" under the root of the Start Menu - this doesn't have BIDS functionality included if installed separately.

  1. Responsive SSDT'S GUI as compared to SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Fast and reliable build of deployment scripts.
  3. Detection of isolated changes in the target database.
  4. Resolve references to other production and system databases like msdb & databases connected by a linked server.
  5. Support of migration scripts to enable data preservation and to add static data.
  6. Possibility of executing and deploying a single file.
  7. Comfortable T-SQL writing.

Posted by - SUHAS R. KUDEKAR (MCTS - Microsoft Business Intelligence)
Learning Office 2010 + SharePoint 2010 + SQL Server 2008 R2

Thursday, March 1, 2012

SQL+MDX in one Apartment (Hybrid Query).

While replying on the MSDN Forums Most of the time people ask on how to write SQL+MDX both in single place means.
1-      Certain data like aggregated data from MDX Query.
2-      Select that data from SQL Query and get these data in table to show on reports.
I already answer couple of the question on forums but then think it’s better to write blog on above topics.

Some for the forum post I Included here for reference.
1-      SSRS combining MDX and T-SQL.
3-      MDX Named Set and OPENQUERY.

How to Create SQL+MDX-

Basically to write SQL+MDX combined we have to create link server from where we want data to combine with SQL. To create link server you need to have Admin access to the SQL Server.

IF IS_SRVROLEMEMBER ('sysadmin') = 1
   print 'Current user''s login is a member of the sysadmin role'
   print 'Current user''s login is NOT a member of the sysadmin role'
   print 'ERROR: The server role specified is not valid.'

Above Query returns the whether you have admin admittance to the server or not to create Link Server.

Suppose we have access to the Link server now to get data from created linked server we use another function named as OPENQUERY – Basically OpenQuery function Executes the specified pass-through query on the specified linked server. This server is an OLE DB data source. OPENQUERY can be referenced in the FROM clause of a query as if it were a table name. OPENQUERY can also be referenced as the target table of an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. This is subject to the capabilities of the OLE DB provider. Although the query may return multiple result sets, OPENQUERY returns only the first one.

More Details on Hybrid Query-

@catalog='Adventure Works DW 2008R2'

Declare @MDXExpression as Varchar(MAX)
Select @MDXExpression =
      [Measures].[Sales Amount]
      ,[Measures].[Standard Product Cost]
      ,[Measures].[Tax Amount]
      ,[Measures].[Total Product Cost]
      } ON 0,
      [Sales Channel].[Sales Channel].[Sales Channel]
      } ON 1
      [Adventure Works]
Exec ('SELECT * INTO ##TestTemp FROM OpenQuery(TestTest1,''' + @MDXExpression + ''')')
      CONVERT(varchar,t."[Sales Channel].[Sales Channel].[Sales Channel].[MEMBER_CAPTION]") AS [Date],
      (CONVERT(nvarchar,t."[Measures].[Sales Amount]")) AS [Sales Amount],
      (CONVERT(nvarchar,t."[Measures].[Standard Product Cost]")) AS [Standard Product Cost],
      (CONVERT(nvarchar,t."[Measures].[Tax Amount]")) AS [Tax Amount],
      (CONVERT(nvarchar,t."[Measures].[Total Product Cost]")) AS [Total Product Cost]
      ##TestTemp t

--DRop Table ##TestTemp

Query Wxecution-

1-      So above query first creates liked server with named as 'Test'.
2-      After that MDX query executed on linked server where we have kept the MDX query in MDXExpression variable.
3-      Using OpenQuery function data gets dump in to ##TestTemp table.
4-      Finally we get the data from ##TestTemp table.

SUHAS R. KUDEKAR (MCTS - Microsoft Business Intelligence)
Learning Office 2010 + SharePoint 2010 + SQL Server 2008 R2